We hope that this edition of the “Banding Bulletin” finds you well! In this edition, we will include a quick clinical tip, update you on some recent improvements in our training and support programs, and remind you about our BandLeader program. We will also introduce SecureSolutions Now, a company focused on keeping your clinic protected from a data breach, and our new CRH infusion services program. We’d also like to invite you to visit us in Boston!
We try to include a quick clinical tip in each Bulletin, and this month, deciding which topic to touch on was easy. In the past few days, I’ve received 3 phone calls, a few text messages (with a few adorable images attached!) and have seen 2 patients during training sessions all in re: thrombosed external hemorrhoids! When treating these patients, the issue is that, typically, by the time the patient gets to you, it is too late to do anything for the thrombus. Generally, if seen within the first 48-72 hours, an excision or incision and drainage of a thrombosed ext. hemorrhoid will provide almost immediate relief. Past that point, however, the patient is usually feeling much better, and studies have shown that intervention on a delayed basis actually PROLONGS the patient’s recovery!
So, if a patient presents a week or 10 days after the thrombosis had occurred (the typical scenario), even though they still may have some pain and tenderness, they are much better than they were initially. These folks should be treated conservatively, which, in our clinic, consisted of topical nitroglycerin ointment 0.125% (an “off-label” use) for patients with high pressure in their anal canal by DRE, topical 5% lidocaine cream (available OTC) and a recommendation to soak their bottom. We also warn that the thrombus may rupture, so patients may want to place a panty liner in their underwear just in case! “Tincture of time” will typically take it from there!
Are there any specific topics you’d like us to touch on? Please let ME know and we’ll include them in future newsletters!
We have a long successful history of training and supporting our banding “partners” over the years, offering no-cost, “hands on” training sessions at your clinic, enabling you to work alongside our CRH Medical Directors – Andy Gorchynsky and myself. Typically, we follow this up with a subsequent visit from our Clinical Support Specialists (CRH Nurses), to help you through another round of banding. About a month or so later, we’ll schedule you for a brief “Zoom” call with one of our docs to address any early questions you might have, and to reinforce some of our recommended “tips and tricks.”
We understand the havoc that this pandemic has created for your patients and your practice. Many providers have been slammed by the backlog of patients requiring colonoscopies, keeping docs tied up in the ASC, compromising the capacity to provide hemorrhoid care in clinic. With this in mind, we’ve been working with more and more APP’s, helping to get them up and running with these techniques! We’ve had tremendous success training NP’s and PA’s in the evaluation and management of perianal issues, including hemorrhoid care, which has allowed the docs in those practices to handle their endoscopy load, while the APP’s manage the demand for hemorrhoid care and other clinic services in the office. If anyone in your practice is interested in finding out more about this, please contact ME!
Through the pandemic, we’ve learned just how valuable video conferencing services such as Teams or Zoom can be. We’re now offering “remote refreshers” to address questions, provide updated information, demonstrate techniques, and whatever else is called for. This makes it easier for us to interface with you and, in turn, you don’t need to worry about lining up patients or blocking off time in your clinic. Please let ME know if interested, and we’ll set up a mutually convenient time to “meet”!
Do you have the capacity to fill your “dance card” with office visits? If so, please let ME know and I’ll connect you with a member of our team who can walk you through all that CRH can do to help build this part of your practice. This program has been effective in various settings so it might be right for you too!
As organizations become more and more vulnerable to cyber threats, it is imperative that your patient’s information is protected and secure. SecureSolutions Now is a managed cybersecurity service designed to provide clinics with essential tools necessary to protect critical systems and patient information.
Curious if your password is secure enough? Check out a recent blog post about Password Hygiene HERE and learn more about how SecureSolutions Now can help you avoid a breach HERE.
We are excited to announce that CRH is now offering infusion services! We’re committed to taking a different approach to infusion therapy by creating customized solutions that minimize costs and maximize patient outcomes. Whether you’re offering this service currently and want to learn more so you can expand your program, or would like to add this service to your practice, let ME know and I can connect you with a team member who can speak with you about ways we can help you!
It’s been some time, but we’re slowly starting to get back into the swing of things, exhibiting at some of the conferences that are returning to an “in-person” format. CRH will be at the ACG Eastern Regional conference in full force from April 1-3 in Boston, so please come say “hello”, ask any questions you might have, and let us know how we can better serve you.
In the meantime, thanks so much for checking out this edition of the Bulletin, and stay safe!