Hemorrhoid Creams and Home Remedies
Hemorrhoid creams and home remedies can be a great way to get immediate relief from hemorrhoid symptoms. However, these creams, ointments and other products don’t remove hemorrhoids, they just temporarily alleviate discomfort like burning, itching and inflammation – some can even make the problem worse.
Common creams and home remedies include:
- Preparation H: This cream can be used if the patient’s hemorrhoids are making bowel movements painful, or if they are simply seeking relief during your daily activities.
- Tucks Cream: A popular over-the-counter brand similar to Preparation H, Tucks Cream is commonly used to treat the soreness associated with hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation and numbing the area to reduce itching. If other hemorrhoid creams do not work at reducing the amount of discomfort felt, this treatment option may help.
- Natural hemorrhoid creams: Several products are marketed as natural hemorrhoid remedies, however, some contain ingredients that may cause more pain to an afflicted area, and other ingredients may interact with medications the patient may be taking.