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Revenue by Colonoscopies Performed

Total Number of Banding Patients{{ calcTotalBandingPatients | currency }} Total Number of Bandings{{ calcTotalNumberBandings | currency }}

Your Potential Revenue

Net Annual Revenue${{ calcNet | currency}}
Revenue / Hour${{ calcHour | currency}}
Disclaimer: calculations are approximate and may vary depending on your practice and payor mix.
1Riss S, Weiser FA, Riss T, Schwameis K, Mittlbock M, Stift, A. Haemorrhoids and quality of life. Colorectal Disease, 2011 Apr;13(4):48-52

Revenue by Patients with Hemorrhoids

Total Number of Bandings{{ calcTotalNumberBandings | currency}}

Your Potential Revenue

Net Revenue / Month${{ calcNet | currency}}
Revenue / Hour${{ calcHour | currency}}

Net Annual Revenue${{ calcAnnual | currency }}
Disclaimer: calculations are approximate and may vary depending on your practice and payor mix.

Compare CRH O'Regan System

Versus Other Hemorrhoid Treatment Options