We hope this month’s practice support newsletter finds you well!
First, we would like to congratulate Tina Smith for winning last month’s contest and the corresponding $100 Amazon gift card!
Thanks to all of those who sent in a picture of their practice wearing our “got hemorrhoids?” t-shirts (which are a great ice-breaker for patients who may be too embarrassed to bring up the topic of hemorrhoids otherwise).
Another thank you to those who participated in our company’s annual survey earlier this month. We appreciate all the kind words and feedback on how we can do an even better job supporting your group.
With that said, we’d like to share some of the results and give you another opportunity to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
What patient education/marketing materials work for you
We asked you which of our 10 patient education/marketing materials were the most beneficial to your practice. Based on the responses, it seems that the patient brochures were the landslide winner, followed by post-diagnosis tear-off pads, table tents and our newest material, the patient discussion flip chart. Remember that all of these materials are always free of charge so if your practice isn’t utilizing them, please let us know and we’ll be happy to get your main office, any satellite office and even referring physician offices stocked with materials.
How you heard about us
It seem that from the 9 options given, most of you had initially heard about us from a colleague, directly from a CRH representative, or at a conference. We know that nothing beats word of mouth recommendations so if you have any colleagues who you think might be interested in getting started with banding, let us know! We are always very appreciative of any referrals you are able to provide.
How to increase bandings
Of the many staff members who completed the survey, over 50% indicated that their practice planned to increase the number of bandings performed through the rest of the year. More bandings obviously require more patients and that leads us to this month’s contest – keep reading!
The flow chart below includes the 4 top sources of patients as identified by each of you – we’ve just included a list of our tools specific to each of those areas to give you some ideas.
To qualify for this month’s contest, all you have to do is inquire (phone or email) about how to best use any of these materials to identify additional banding patients at your practice.
While the above diagram provides a few examples, there are a lot of other great ways to identify patients and we are happy to work with you in order to find the best fit for your practice’s needs.