We hope that everyone has had a wonderful start to the summer and this month’s practice support newsletter finds you well! First, we would like to congratulate Margi Anderson for winning last month’s contest and the corresponding $100 Amazon gift card. I would also like to thank those of you who did call in and encourage you to read on to find out more about this month’s contest.
This month, we interviewed Kate Falls at Gulf Coast Gastroenterology in Lake Jackson, TX. Kate is the office manager of this single physician practice. They have been offering the CRH O’Regan System for hemorrhoid treatment since 2010.
What is your favorite CRH material?
Our favorite CRH materials are the table tents, brochures and discussion diagrams.
What has been the biggest surprise for you in offering this treatment?
The biggest surprise in offering this treatment is the number of people with hemorrhoids and how interested they are in treatment once they are educated on the procedure.
How have you changed your operations over time to better integrate banding into your practice?
We try to educate all of our patients especially when hemorrhoids are found during a colonoscopy. Education is a critical part in creating awareness and interest in the procedure.
What kind of financial impact has hemorrhoid banding had on your practice?
The financial impact has been amazing.
What advice would you give to practices who have recently implemented banding?
Educate your patients about the procedure and what treatment options are available. Use the marketing/patient education material that CRH provides.
You were able to get 27 patients for a recent training session. How were you able to generate so much interest?
We advertise weekly in area newspapers and simply open the discussion when patients come for visits. We explain in detail about the procedure and it definitely helps. Not a lot of patients are aware of the treatment options that are available to them.
I have been banded 3 times so I can speak from experience and this seems to comfort the patients. We talk freely about the experience because it is a very common problem and nothing to be embarrassed about. Friday is “Wear your Hemorrhoid T-Shirt Day” so we find that this peaks a lot of interest as well.
If we have not yet mentioned this to you, a great way of identifying symptomatic hemorrhoids is by including them on your intake form/review of systems. You can also take that one step further and utilize our Patient Questionnaire or incorporate it into your own paperwork. You can find the questionnaire in both English and Spanish on the clinical forms page of our website – https://physicians.crhsystem.com/practice-support/clinical-forms/
To be entered into this month’s contest for a $100 Amazon gift card, you can email your forms, take a screenshot or take a picture on your phone and send me confirmation that you do ask your new patients about hemorrhoids.
We will look forward to hearing from you and if we can help with anything else, please let us know.