Thank you for your interest in the CRH O’Regan System – we are confident that both your patients and your practice will benefit as a result of adding this procedure to your existing list of services.
We look forward to coming out to your practice for the training! In order to make the most of your training session, take a look at the following list. If you have everything covered, then we’re all set! If not and you need any assistance from us, please just give us a call – 1.800.660.2153 x 1011
For additional information and resources, including marketing materials, please take a look through our website:
Please also refer to your “Practice Information Binder” as it contains all the documents you’ll need to introduce the procedure to your practice. This binder was sent along with your marketing kit. If you have just scheduled your training and haven’t received it, it will be coming soon.
Thanks again, and we’ll look forward to a great training session at your practice! If you have any questions, please contact us anytime at 1.800.660.2153 x 1011.